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Mẫu thử nghiệm thành thạo (PT) cho Lab Môi trường, Hãng ERA, USA

Mẫu thử nghiệm thành thạo (PT) cho Lab Môi trường, Hãng ERA, USA
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Tên sản phẩm: Mẫu thử nghiệm thành thạo (PT) cho Lab Môi trường, Hãng ERA, USA

Giá: Liên Hệ

Nhà cung cấp: ERA, USA

Lượt xem 1288

Catalog # Product Name Product Description Category Page
077 Massachusetts Ground Water Enterococci Ten lyophilized samples to be analyzed for presence or absence of Enterococci.  This PT sample is available any time. Microbiology 34
079 Heterotrophic Plate Count Each sample is one lyophilized standard containing a Heterotrophic bacteria present in the range 5-500 CFU/mL or MPN/mL. Use with the Standard Methods 9215B – Pour Plate Method, and Most Probable Number (MPN) Method (simplate). Microbiology 34
080 Potable Water Coliform Microbe Each sample set consists of lyophilized standards for the presence or absence analysis of total coliform, fecal coliform, and E. coli. Microbiology 34
212 Dissolved Oxygen Oxygen, dissolved in water - 500mL Water Pollution 13
241 Solids One 500 mL whole-volume bottle is ready to analyze. The CRM is also certified for pH. For a pH PT, order Cat. #577. Water Pollution 10
244 Sulfite One 10 mL concentrate yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Water Pollution 13
271 Glycols in Water One 2 mL flame sealed ampule yields up to 2 L after dilution.  Use with EPA methods 8015B, 8430 and 1671. Water Pollution 16
272 1,4-Dioxane One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields 100 mL after dilution.  Use with EPA method 522.  Each standard contains 1,4-Dioxane at 0.1 – 10 ug/L after dilution. Water Supply 27
461 1,4-Dioxane One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule requires spiking onto the provided ten grams of solid matrix before analysis.  Use with modified versions of EPA method 8260, 1624 or other applicable methods.  Each standard contains 1,4-Dioxane at 20 – 200 ug/kg after dilution. Soil 39
462 Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Soil Per- & Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Soil: One flame-sealed ampule containing 10 g of soil. The standard is certified for all analytes listed below. Each lot will be spiked with 6-12 of the analytes specified in the range of 20-100 ug/kg. Design is suitable for methods analyzing these components with LC/MS/MS techniques. Soil 41
463 Glycols in Soil Two flame sealed ampules each containing 30g of soil are ready to use.  Use with EPA methods 8015B, 8430 and 1671. Soil 41
464 New Jersey EPH in Soil One flame-sealed ampule with 20g soil containing EPH in the range of 300-3000 mg/kg. Underground Storage 50
467 Base/Neutrals & Acids in Soil Two flame-sealed ampules each containing 30 g of soil are ready to use. Use with EPA method 8270. Includes at least 60% of the EPA/NELAC analytes in the required range and a percentage of the additional analytes, all randomly selected. Soil 41
468 Organochlorine Pesticides in Soil Two flame-sealed ampules each containing 30 g of soil are ready to use. Includes a subset of the analytes listed below at 50-500 µg/kg. Soil 43
476 Texas Low-Level Fuels (TPH) in Water One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields in excess of 200 mL after dilution. Contains unleaded regular gasoline and No. 2 Diesel Fuel resulting in TPH in the range 5-10 mg/L. Underground Storage 49
477 Texas High-Level Fuels (TPH) in Water One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields in excess of 200 mL after dilution. Contains unleaded regular gasoline and No. 2 Diesel Fuel resulting in TPH in the range 20-100 mg/L. Underground Storage 49
478 Texas Low-Level Fuels (TPH) in Soil One ready-to-use flame-sealed ampule with 20g of soil with unleaded gasoline and No. 2 Diesel Fuel for TPH in the range 50-100 mg/kg. Underground Storage 49
479 Texas High-Level Fuels (TPH) in Soil One ready-to-use flame-sealed ampule with 20g of soil with unleaded gasoline and No. 2 Diesel Fuel for TPH in the range 1,000-20,000 mg/kg. Underground Storage 49
481 Massachusetts VPH in Water One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields in excess of 200 mL after dilution. Underground Storage 50
482 Massachusetts EPH in Water One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Underground Storage 50
483 Massachusetts VPH in Soil One flame-sealed ampule with 20 g soil with V PH fuels. Contains volatile petroleumhydrocarbon fuels (VPH) in the range 100-2,000 mg/kg. Use with the Massachusetts Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon method for multiple carbon ranges, BTEX compounds and MTBE. Underground Storage 50
484 Massachusetts EPH in Soil One flame-sealed ampule with 20 g soil with EPH fuels. Contains extractablepetroleum hydrocarbon fuels (EPH) in the range 300-3,000 mg/kg. Use with the Massachusetts Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon method for multiple carbon ranges and PAH compounds. Underground Storage 50
487 Nitrogen Pesticides One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Contains a subset of the analytes listed below at 2-20 µg/L. Water Pollution 17
488 Arizona TPH in Soil One ready-to-use flame-sealed ampule with 30g of soil with Oil Range Organics and No. 2 Diesel fuel. Use with method 8015AZ for T PH in the range 300-400 mg/kg. Also includes two carbon ranges. Underground Storage 49
489 HEM/SGT-HEM One 5 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Contains both hexadecane and stearic acid. Note: If a NELAC compliant PT is required, use Cat. #582 or Cat. #4120. Water Pollution 11
526 Minerals  PT (Extra Volume)   Water Pollution  
551 Mercury One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 1 liter after dilution. Use with CVAA, ICP-MS or CVAFS methods. Water Supply 24
552 pH One 250 mL whole-volume bottle is ready to analyze. Water Supply 26
555 Hardness One 250 mL whole-volume bottle is ready to analyze. Water Supply 24
556 Cyanide One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Water Supply 25
557 Organic Carbon One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 1 liter after dilution. Water Supply 26
558 o-Phosphate Nutrients One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Water Supply 25
562 EDB/DBCP/TCP One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields in excess of 200 mL after dilution. Use with EPA method 8011.  Each lot contains all analytes at .2-2.0 µg/L. Water Pollution 16
573 Tin & Titanium One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 1 liter after dilution. Use with AA, ICP-OES or ICP-MS methods. Water Pollution 12
574 Mercury One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 1 liter after dilution. Analyze for total mercury. Water Pollution 12
576 Wastewater Coliform Microbe One lyophilized quantitative sample to be analyzed for total, fecal and E. coli coliforms. Microbiology 34
577 pH One 250 mL whole-volume bottle is ready to analyze. Water Pollution 14
578 Demand One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Water Pollution 12
579 Complex Nutrients One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Water Pollution 10
580 Hardness One 500 mL whole-volume bottle is ready to analyze. Water Pollution 10
581 Minerals One 500 mL whole-volume bottle is ready to analyze. Water Pollution 10
582 1 Liter Boston Round Oil & Grease One liter whole-volume glass bottle with a 33-430 thread is ready to analyze. For SPE compatible QC (33-400 thread), use Cat #818 1 liter Boston Round Oil & Grease. Please specify if for SPE compatible PT. Water Pollution 11
582 1 Liter Oil & Grease  One liter whole-volume glass bottle with a 33-430 thread is ready to analyze. For SPE compatible QC (33-400 thread), use Cat #818 1 liter Boston Round Oil & Grease. Please specify if for SPE compatible PT. Water Pollution 11
584 Simple Nutrients One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Water Pollution 10
586 Trace Metals One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 1 liter after dilution. Use with AA, ICP-OES or ICP-MS and selected colorimetric methods. Water Pollution 12
587 Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Use with titrimetric or colorimetric methods. Water Pollution 14
588 Cyanide & Phenol One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution.  The CRM is also certified for Total Phenolics at 0.5-5 mg/L.  For a Total Phenolics PT, order Cate #589. Water Pollution 13
589 Total Phenolics (4-AAP) One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Analyze for total phenolic compounds by 4-AAP methods. Water Pollution 13
590 Metals One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Use with ICP-OES, ICP-MS and AA methods. Water Supply 24
591 Inorganics One 500 mL whole-volume bottle is ready to analyze. The CRM is also certified for Sodium. For a Sodium PT, order Hardness, Cat. #555. Water Supply 24
592 Turbidity One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 1 liter after dilution. Use with nephelometric methods. Water Supply 26
593 Residual Chlorine One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Water Supply 25
594 Nitrite One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Water Supply 25
595 Source Water Microbe Each sample is one lyophilized quantitative standard containing E. coli in the range 20-200 CFU/100mL or MPN/100mL. Use with all SDWA quantitative methods. Each standard can be used for Total Coliform, Fecal Coliform and E. coli. Microbiology 34
596 Low-Level 1,2,3-TCP One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields 100 mL after dilution. Use with California method SRL 524M, or other applicable method. Each standard contains 1,2,3-Trichloropropane (TCP) at 5-100 ng/L after dilution. Water Supply 30
597 1,4-Dioxane One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 1 liter after dilution.  Use with modified versions of EPA methods 8260, 8270, 1624 or other applicable methods.  Each standard contains 1,4-Dioxane at 3 – 30 ug/L after dilution. Water Pollution 14
598 PFAS - Non-Potable Water One 2 mL flame sealed ampule yields in excess of 1.5 liters after dilution. Design
is suitable for methods analyzing non-potable water. Use with LC-MS/MS
Water Pollution 15
619 Metals in Sewage Sludge One 40 g sludge standard in a screw-cap bottle to be analyzed for the metals listed below. Soil 38
620 Metals in Soil One 40 g soil sample in a screw-cap bottle for all ICP & AA, RCRA and Superfund methods. Includes all metals shown below. Soil 38
621 Cyanide in Soil One 40 g soil standard in a screw-cap bottle for all distillation/colorimetric methods. This standard can be used to satisfy all PT requirements for total and reactive cyanide. Soil 39
623 Volatiles in Soil One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule in methanol requires spiking onto the provided ten grams of solid matrix before analysis. Includes a subset of the analytes listed. Soil 39
624 PCBs in Soil One screw-top bottle containing 50 grams of standard is ready to analyze. Each standard includes a different Aroclor, randomly selected from the list below at 1-50 mg/kg. Soil 42
625 Low-Level PAHs in Soil Two flame-sealed ampules each containing 30 g are ready to analyze. Includes a subset of the analytes listed below at 50-1,000 µg/kg. Soil 41
626 Chlorinated Acid Herbicides in Soil Two flame-sealed ampules, each containing 30 g of soil are ready to use. Includes a subset of the analytes listed. Note: 4-Nitrophenol and Pentachlorophenol are not within the EPA/NELAC required range. Soil 42
627 Toxaphene in Soil One screw-top bottle containing 50 g of soil is ready to analyze. The standard contains toxapheneat 200-2,000 µg/kg. Soil 43
628 Chlordane in Soil One screw-top bottle containing 50 g of soil is ready to analyze. The standard contains technical chlordane at 200-1,000 µg/kg. Soil 43
629 TCLP Metals in Soil One 105 g soil standard in a screw-cap bottle designed specifically to meet all state requirements for TCLP extraction and analysis for the metals listed below. Soil 38
630 Gasoline Range Organics (GRO) in Soil One flame-sealed ampule with 20 g of soil spiked with unleaded regular gasoline in the range 100-2,000 mg/kg. Also use to test for BTEX in gasoline. Soil 39
631 Diesel Range Organics (DRO) in Soil One flame-sealed ampule with 20 g of soil spiked with #2 Diesel fuel in the range 300-3,000 mg/kg. Soil 41
632 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) in Soil #1 One screw-top bottle with 50 g of soil to be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH). Soil 40
633 BTEX & MTBE in Soil One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule requires spiking onto the ten grams of provided certified clean soil. Includes all the BTEX compounds and MTBE at 20-200 µg/kg (40-400 µg/kg for Total Xylenes). Soil 40
640 Gasoline Range Organics (GRO) in Water One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Use with both purge & trap and modified EPA 8015 GC/FID methods to test for GRO at 400-4,000 µg/L. Also use to test for BT EX in gasoline Water Pollution 15
641 Diesel Range Organics (DRO) in Water One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution.  Includes #2 Diesel at 800-6,000 µg/L. Water Pollution 16
642 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) in Water #1 One liter whole-volume bottle is ready to analyze for TPH without interfering fatty acids. Water Pollution 11
642 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) in Water #2 One liter whole-volume bottle is ready to analyze for TPH without interfering fatty acids. Water Pollution 11
643 BTEX & MTBE in Water One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields in excess of 200 mL after dilution. Includes all BT EX compounds and MTBE at 7-300 µg/L after dilution. Water Pollution 14
648 Wisconsin Diesel Range Organics (DRO) in Water One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Includes ten Diesel range synthetic organic compounds in the range 200-600 µg/L. Underground Storage 50
649 Wisconsin Gasoline Range Org (GRO/PVOC) in Water One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields in excess of 200 mL after dilution. Includes ten gasoline range synthetic organic compounds as defined by Wisconsin. Underground Storage 50
800 Air Filter Radionuclides One 47 mm diameter glass fiber filter contains the alpha, beta and gamma emitting radionuclides listed below. Radiochemistry 62
801 Air Filter Gross Alpha/Beta One acrylic treated 47 mm diameter glass fiber filter contains the radionuclides listed below. Radiochemistry 62
802 Soil Radionuclides One 500 cc standard includes the alpha, beta and gamma emitting radionuclides listed below. Radiochemistry 62
803 Vegetation Radionuclides One 500 cc standard includes the alpha, beta and gamma emitting radionuclides listed below. Radiochemistry 62
804 Water Radionuclides One 12 mL screw-top vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Includes the alpha, beta and gamma emitting radionuclides listed below. Radiochemistry 63
805 Water Gross Alpha/Beta One 12 mL screw-top vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Includes the radionuclides below. Radiochemistry 63
806 Water Tritium Sample set includes two 125 mL whole volume bottles ready to analyze as received.  One Sample for Tritium analysis and one for blank correction. Radiochemistry 63
807 Strontium-89/91 One 12 mL screw-top vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Radiochemistry 60
808 Gamma Emitters One 12 mL screw-top vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Radiochemistry 60
809 Gross Alpha/Beta One 12 mL screw-top vial yields up to 1 liter after dilution. Radiochemistry 60
810 Iodine-131 One 12 mL screw-top vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Contains Iodine-131 within the range 3-30 pCi/L. Due to short half-life, CRMs, PTs and QRs are available only during January, April, July and October. Radiochemistry 60
811 Naturals One 12 mL screw-top vial yields up to 8 liters after dilution. Radiochemistry 60
812 Tritium Sample set includes two 250 mL whole volume bottles ready to analyze as received.  One Sample for Tritium analysis and one for blank correction. Radiochemistry 60
817 PCBs in Oil One 10 mL flame-sealed ampule ready to analyze. Use with EPA method 8082, or other applicable method. Contains a different Aroclor, randomly selected at 10-50 mg/kg. Soil 42
829 Chlorinated Acid Herbicides One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Contains a subset of the analytes listed below. Note: 4-nitrophenol and pentachlorophenol are not within the EPA/NELAC required range. Water Pollution 15
830 Volatiles One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields in excess of 200 mL after dilution. Contains a subset of the analytes listed below at 5-300 µg/L. Water Pollution 14
831 Organochlorine Pesticides One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Contains contains a subset of the analytes listed below at 0.5-20 µg/L. Water Pollution 17
833 Base/Neutrals One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Contains a subset of the analytes listed below at 10-225 µg/L (except Benzidine at 200-1,000 µg/L). Water Pollution 16
834 Acids One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Contains a subset of the analytes listed below at 30-200 µg/L. Water Pollution 16
836 Low-Level PAHs One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Contains a subset of the analytes listed below at 0.5-20 µg/L. Water Pollution 16
837 Chlordane One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters of sample after dilution. Contains technical chlordane at 3-25 µg/L. Water Pollution 17
838 Toxaphene One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters of sample after dilution. Contains toxaphene at 20-100 µg/L. Water Pollution 17
839 PCBs as Decachlorobiphenyl One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Includes an Aroclor randomly selected from the list below at 0.5-5  µg/L as decachlorobiphenyl. Water Supply 30
840 Regulated Volatiles One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields in excess of 200 mL after dilution. Contains all of the analytes below at 2-50 µg/L. Water Supply 27
841 Unregulated Volatiles One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields in excess of 200 mL after dilution. Contains at least 60% of the analytes randomly selected from the list below at 2-50 µg/L. Water Supply 27
842 Halomethanes (THMs) One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields in excess of 200 mL after dilution. Contains all of the analytes below at 5-50 µg/L. Water Supply 27
844 Toxaphene One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Each standard contains toxapheneat 2-20 µg/L. Water Supply 28
845 Chlordane One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Each standard contains technical chlordane at 2-20 µg/L. Water Supply 28
846 Carbamate/Carbamoxyloxime Pesticides One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Each standard contains all analytes below at 15-150 µg/L. Water Supply 28
847 EDB/DBCP/TCP One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields in excess of 200 mL after dilution. Each lot contains all analytes below at 0.05-2 µg/L. Water Supply 30
848 Semivolatiles #1 One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Each standard contains a subset of the analytes listed. Note: Naphthalene is not within the EPA/NELAC required range. Water Supply 30
849 Semivolatiles #2 Herbicides One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Each standard contains all the analytes below at 8-800 µg/L. Water Supply 30
850 Pesticides One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Each standard contains at least 16 analytes randomly selected from the list below at 0.2-20 µg/L. Water Supply 28
851 Chlorinated Acid Herbicides One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Includes at least 12 of the analytes below at 1-120 µg/L. Water Supply 30
852 Haloacetic Acids (HAA) One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Includes all the analytes below at 5-50 µg/L. Water Supply 25
853 Chloral Hydrate One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields in excess of 200 mL after dilution. Includes chloral hydrate at 4-30 µg/L. Water Supply 25
854 Hexavalent Chromium One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Water Supply 24
856 Vanadium One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Designed to meet California ELAP requirements. Water Supply 24
857 Dioxin One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Each standard contains 2, 3, 7, 8-TCDD at 20-100 pg/L. Water Supply 30
858 Uranium One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Use with ICP-MS methods. Water Supply 24
859 Color One 125 mL whole-volume bottle is ready to analyze. Water Supply 26
867 Oil & Grease (O&G) in Soil One screw-top bottle with 50 g of soil to be analyzed as received.  Use with EPA gravimetric methods 9071B or infrared spectrometric analysis. The analytes are in the specified NELAC range of 300-3000 mg/kg. Soil 39
869 Nutrients in Soil One 40 g soil standard in a screw-cap bottle. Use to analyze for all the nutrients listed below. Soil 39
870 Ready-to-Use VOAs in Soil One 20 mL flame-sealed ampule containing 10 g of soil and 10 mL of methanol is ready to analyze. Includes a subset of the analytes listed below at 1,000-20,000 µg/kg. Soil 40
871 Nitroaromatics & Nitramines in Soil Two flame-sealed ampules each containing 30 g of soil are ready to analyze. Includes a subset of the analytes listed below at 1,500-15,000 µg/kg. Soil 41
873 Anions in Soil One 40 g soil standard in a screw-cap bottle designed for a DI water extraction procedure for all the anions listed below. Soil 39
874 Ignitability/Flash Point One standard packaged in three 30 mL bottles. Use to measure ignitability. Soil 38
875 Corrosivity/pH in Soil One 100 g soil standard in a screw-cap bottle. Use to measure corrosivity. Soil 38
876 Hexavalent Chromium in Soil One 40 g standard in a screw-cap bottle for use with all promulgated hexavalent chromium methods. Soil 38
878 Organophosphorus Pesticides (OPP) in Soil Two flame-sealed ampules, each containing 30 g of soil are ready to analyze. Each standard contains a subset of the analytes listed below at 100-1,000 µg/kg. Soil 43
879 Carbamate Pesticides in Soil Two flame-sealed ampules, each containing 30 g of soil are ready to analyze.Each standard contains a subset of the analytes listed below at 250-2,500 µg/kg. Soil 43
880 Enterococci One lyophilized sample to be analyzed for Enterococci and/or Fecal Streptococci. Microbiology 34
881 Low-Level Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) Designed for testing at low µg/L levels. One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Use with sensitive titrimetric or colorimetric methods. Water Pollution 14
882 Color One 125 mL whole-volume bottle is ready to analyze. Water Pollution 13
883 Settleable Solids One 60 mL poly bottle with a solid yields 1 liter after dilution. Water Pollution 10
884 Volatile Solids One 12 mL screw-cap vial with a solid yields 1 liter after dilution. Water Pollution 10
885 Acidity One 250 mL whole-volume bottle is ready to analyze. Designed for use with titrimetric methods to a pH endpoint of 8.3. Water Pollution 13
886 Boron One unpreserved 60 mL poly bottle yields in excess of 2 liters after dilution. Designed for colorimetric methods. Water Pollution 14
887 Bromide One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Use with ion chromatography or colorimetric methods. Water Pollution 14
888 Nitrite One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Water Pollution 10
890 Silica One 60 mL poly bottle yields up to 1 liter after dilution. Analyze for silica as SiO2 with colorimetric or ICP methods. Water Pollution 13
891 Sulfide One 10 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 1 liter after dilution. Preserved sample is guaranteed stable. Analyze for sulfide by titrimetric or colorimetric methods or ISE. Water Pollution 13
892 Surfactants-MBAS One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Water Pollution 13
893 Turbidity One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 1 liter after dilution. Use with nephelometric methods. Water Pollution 13
895 Total Organic Halides (TOX) One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Analyze for total organic halides with adsorption pyrolysis titrimetric methods. Water Pollution 13
896 Low-Level Mercury One 5 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 4 liters after dilution. Water Pollution 12
898 Hexavalent Chromium One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Use with IC or colorimetric methods. Water Pollution 12
899 Carbamate Pesticides One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Contains a subset of the analytes listed below at 5-200 µg/L. Water Pollution 17
900 Corrosivity One 500 mL Whole-Volume bottle is ready to analyze for corrosivity, calcium carbonate saturation and Langelier saturation index. Water Supply 26
901 Surfactants-MBAS One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Water Supply 26
902 Silica One 60 mL poly bottle yields 1 liter after dilution. Water Supply 26
903 Perchlorate One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Water Supply 26
904 UV 254 Absorbance One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 1 liter after dilution. Water Supply 26
905 Gasoline Additives One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields in excess of 200 mL after dilution. Contains all of the analytes below at 5-50 µg/L. Water Supply 27
929 PFAS Ground Water & Surface Water One 2ml flame seled ampule yields in excess of 1.5L after dilution.  Design is suitable for methods analyzing Ground Water or Surface Water.  Use with LC/MS/MS techniques.  The diluted standard will contain 6-12 analytes in each lot selected from the listing below at 100-500 ng/L. Water Supply 28
932 Low-Level Nitroaromatics & Nitramines One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters of sample after dilution. Contains at least 80% of the analytes, randomly selected from the list below at 1-20 µg/L. Water Pollution 16
934 Organophosphorus Pesticides (OPP) One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Contains a subset of the analytes listed below at 2-20 µg/L. Water Pollution 17
935 Heterotrophic Plate Count One lyophilized sample containing a Heterotrophic bacteria.  SPC PT standards are required for laboratories seeking NELAC accreditation as well as by many other state programs.  The standard is designed to be used with Standard Method 9215B - Pour Plate Method. Microbiology 34
960 PFAS Drinking Water One 2ml flame sealed ampule yields in excess of 1.5 L after dilutoin. Use with EPA method 537.  The diluted standard will contain 6-8 analytes in each lot selected from the list below at 50-500 ng/L. Except PFBS will be in range of 100-1000 ng/L. Water Supply 28
1000 Volatiles in Gas Cylinder One pressurized gas cylinder for use with EPA methods TO-14 and TO-15. Contains at least 10 analytes, randomly selected from the list below, at 1–30 ppbv (2-60 ppbv for Total Xylenes). Air & Emissions 54
1001 Volatiles on Sorbent One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule for spiking client-specific sorbent. Contains at least 24 analytes, randomly selected from the list below, at 50–2,000 ng/sample (200–3,000 ng/sample for Total Xylenes) after preparation. Air & Emissions 54
1010 Semivolatiles on Polyurethane Foam Two 2 mL flame-sealed ampules plus one polyurethane foam (PUF). Contains at least 42 analytes, randomly selected from the list below, at 10–225 µg/sample (200–1,000 µg/sample for Benzidine) after preparation. Air & Emissions 55
1011 Organochlorine Pesticides on Polyurethane Foam One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule plus one polyurethane foam (PUF). Contains at least 16 analytes, randomly selected from the list below, at 0.5–20 µg/sample after preparation. Air & Emissions 55
1012 PCBs on Polyurethane Foam One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule plus one polyurethane foam (PUF). Contains one Aroclor, randomly selected from the list below, at 1–15 µg/sample after preparation. Air & Emissions 55
1013 PAHs on Polyurethane Foam One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule plus one polyurethane foam (PUF). Contains at least 13 analytes, randomly selected from the list below, at 10–200 µg/sample after preparation. Air & Emissions 55
1014 Aldehydes & Ketones on Sorbent One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule to be spiked onto Sorbent. Contains at least 4 analytes, randomly selected from the list below, at 0.5–10 µg/sample after preparation. Air & Emissions 55
1025 Metals on Filter Paper One filter paper sample is ready to be analyzed. Air & Emissions 56
1026 Metals in Impinger Solution One impinger solution sample is ready to be analyzed. Air & Emissions 56
1027 Mercury on Filter Paper One filter paper sample is ready to be analyzed. Air & Emissions 56
1028 Mercury in Impinger Solution One impinger solution sample is ready to be analyzed. Air & Emissions 56
1029 Lead on Filter Paper One filter paper sample is ready to be analyzed. Air & Emissions 56
1030 Lead in Impinger Solution One impinger solution sample is ready to be analyzed. Air & Emissions 56
1031 Chromium on Filter Paper One filter paper sample is ready to be analyzed. Air & Emissions 56
1032 Hexavalent Chromium in Impinger Solution One impinger solution sample is ready to be analyzed. Air & Emissions 56
1040 Hydrogen Halides & Halogens in Impinger Solution Two impinger solution samples are ready to be analyzed. Air & Emissions 57
1041 Fluoride in Impinger Solution One impinger solution sample is ready to be analyzed. Air & Emissions 57
1042 Nitrogen Oxide in Impinger Solution One impinger solution sample is ready to be analyzed. Air & Emissions 57
1043 Sulfur Dioxide in Impinger Solution One impinger solution sample is ready to be analyzed. Air & Emissions 57
1044 Sulfuric Acid & Sulfur Dioxide in Impinger Solution One impinger solution sample is ready to be analyzed. Air & Emissions 57
1045 Ammonia in Impinger Solution One impinger solution sample is ready to be analyzed. Air & Emissions 57
1050 Particulate Matter on Filter Paper One filer paper sample is ready to be analyzed. Air & Emissions 57
1051 Particulate Matter in Impinger Solution One impinger solution sample is ready to be analyzed. Air & Emissions 57
1319 Ammonia as N One 15 mL screw-cap vial yeilds up to 1 liter after dilution. Water Supply 25
1500 Perchlorate 15 mL screw cap vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Water Pollution 13
4030 Solids Concentrate One 23 mL screw-cap vial with a powder yields 1 liter after dilution. Water Pollution 10
4120 Oil & Grease Concentrate One 23 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Water Pollution 11
4400 Uranium One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 1 liter after dilution. Water Pollution 12
4450 Volatile Aromatics One 2mL flame sealed ampule yields in excess of 200 mL after dilution. Each standard contains all listed analytes at 5-300 µg/L after dilution. Water Pollution 14
4880 PAH-GC & GCMS One 2mL flame sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Each standard contains all of the analytes listed below at 10-200 µg/L. Water Pollution 16
4990 Lithium One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Designed for the Ohio VAP program. Water Pollution 12
5150 Solids Concentrate One 23 mL screw-cap vial with a powder yields 1 liter after dilution. Water Supply 24
5260 Inorganic Disinfection #2 One 23 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 4 liters after dilution. Water Supply 25
5270 Inorganic Disinfection #1 One 23 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 4 liters after dilution. Water Supply 25
576A Wastewater Coliform Microbe - 9221 One lyophilized quantitative sample to be analyzed for total, fecal and E. coli coliforms.  Use with SM 9221 or equivalent multiple tube fermentation methods. Microbiology 34
595A Source Water Microbe - 9221 Each sample is one lyophilized quantitative standard containing E. coli in the range 20-200 MPN/100mL.  Use with SM 9221 or equivalent multiple tube fermentation methods.  Each standard can be used for Total Coliform, Fecal Coliform and E. coli. Microbiology 34
832S PCBs in Water One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Contains a different Aroclor, randomly selected from the list below at 1-15 µg/L. Water Pollution 15
835S PCBs in Oil One 10 mL flame-sealed ampule is ready to analyze. Contains a different Aroclor, randomly selected from the list below at 12-50 mg/kg. Water Pollution 15

Dưới 1.000.000 VND
1.000.000-2.000.000 VND
2.000.000-10.000.000 VND
Trên 10.000.000 VND
Sản phẩm chính hãng
Hàng hóa đa dạng, phong phú nhiều chủng loại
Vận chuyển siêu tốc
Giao hàng tận nơi,đảm bảo chất lượng sản phẩm
Uy tín, chất lượng
Cam kết chính sách bảo hành và chế độ hậu mãi


Số ĐKKD 0107587398 do Sở KHĐT Tp. Hà Nội cấp ngày 06/10/2016

VPGD: Số 15-A15 Khu Đô Thị Đầm Trấu, Phường Bạch Đằng, Q.Hai Bà Trưng, Hà Nội

Tel: ‎0243 633 2120 

Hotline: 0975 478 583 | Email: [email protected]


Khách hàng tiêu biểukh-123

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